Information, Education & Research Studies on Biodiversity in the Philippines and Around the Globe

biodiversity infographics

Biodiversity Perceptions: Who Cares?

How people perceive biodiversity is important in measuring the action to take in biodiversity conservation, whether it’s about education or community involvement. Some may have a lot of questions as to what biodiversity is, some may not be even aware of it. Some are looking for references to expand their understanding of biodiversity, while others seek knowledge of what exactly can be done to help in conservation. It’s always useful to have an idea where most of us are in terms of biodiversity awareness. Below is a word cloud map that shows the topics that people are concerned about biodiversity. The bigger the size of the word is, the higher interest there is and the smaller, the less interest shown. Take a look at how our questions, thoughts and ideas are shaping our reality today. Do you agree that there’s still hope to change?

biodiversity, biodiversity perceptions, biodiversity and conservation
Biodiversity Word Cloud Map ver. Oct. 2016